Today, an abundant supply of remote senseing data with various spatial, radiative and spectral resolu- tions from multi-platforms has provided rich sources of information for scientific research. In order to overcome the limitation of a particular type of remote sensing data in application, and take the full advantage of other re- mote sensing data, image fusion technique has been frequently used to enhance the resolution of remote sensing data and perform scale transformation among images obtained from different remote sensing platforms. A proper image fusion algorithm can not only improve the refinement of details of a low-resolution multispectral image, but also preserve its spectral information. Moreover, it can utilize the complementary information, reduce the data redundancy, and enhance the interpretation ability of the images. The fusion result is influenced by many factors, such as image fusion algorithm, seasonal difference, registration error, spatial and radiation resolution difference, etc. The images used in this study have different radiation resolutions, including 8 bit, 11 bit and 16 bit. In order to reduce the influence of differences in the radiation resolution and in the resultant data dynamic range on image fusion, this paper proposed a method for the standardization of radiation resolution. Based on the unification of quantization intervals for digital number, the transformation from low to high radiation variability through multi- plication of a same proportion coefficient can reduce the loss of image information, which is caused by data bits conversion in the fusion process. The results show that the proposed standardization method of radiation resolu- tion can be applied to remote sensing data with different quantization intervals and is easy to be programmed. When using the proposed standardization method for fusing different images, the resultant fusion results are al- most identical to each other, either using real number value or integer value. Whereas, when using other quantiza- tion methods, the resultant fusion image with real number value is generally better than that with integer value. The standardization of radiation resolution is a necessary step for image fusion when using reflectance-based im- ages, because all image fusion algorithms will cause a serious spectral distortion to the fusion results.
Journal of Geo-information Science