Remedies for breach of contract take expectation interest as a standard rule. The standard of reliance interest can be applied when expectation interest is either impossible or difficult to prove. Both reliance interest in the Restatement (second) of Contracts of the U. S. and "Ersatz vergeblicher Aufwendungen" rule in Germany are based on the reliance of the obli- gee. Reliance interest does not change the rule of remedies. The biggest contribution made by Fuller was associating all the bases of remedies with the source of the binding force of contract. Reliance damage can be remedied as long as the obligee has reliance interest in the contract, e- ven if there is no expectation interest. In the future revision of its Contract Law, China should draw on the U.S. law by providing for restitution interest, expectation interest, reliance inter- est, disgorgement interest and inherent interest. The obligee should be able to claim for two or more interests at the same time as long as it does not lead to double remedy. Such a system not only accords with the principles of freedom of contract and trust protection, but also is condu- cive to ensuring the uniformity in the application of law.
Global Law Review