
长尾数据监护与图书馆的职责——伊利诺伊香槟大学图书馆范例研究 被引量:9

Curation of Long-Tail Science Data in the Library:Case Study of the UIUC
摘要 长尾数据是一种重要的学术资源,是科研创新的源头,但由于缺乏关注与技术支持而长期被忽视。基于科学研究的长尾理论和国内外研究现状发现,图书馆可以作为主导长尾数据监护工作的最佳机构。在伊利诺伊香槟大学图书馆开展的环境科学长尾科研数据监管实践中,需求调查、制订数据管理计划、科研数据的组织、数据保存和共享、数据监护评价等是数据监护的主要内容,数据监护工作重心从"大科学"向"小科学"转移,数据管理工作从科学研究的下游向上游转移,国书馆的职责从协助向主导转变,图书馆员从单一的"管理员"向多元化角色转变。图1。表2。参考文献14。 Data in the long tail is an important research resource and the source of science innovation. But due to the lack of social attention and technical support, its value has been neglected for a long time. Based on the brief summary of the long-tail theory of science research and the study situation at home and abroad, it can be found that the library can be used as the best institution of long-tail data curation. In the practice of long-tail data curation of the environmental sciences in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the main contents include demand investigation, data management plan formulation, data organization, data saving and sharing, and curation evaluation. Finally, some suggestions are proposed. The center of data curation working transfers from "big science" to "small science"; data management focuses on the downstream rather than upstream of scientific research; the duty of the library changes from assistance to domination, and the role of librarians transforms into a diversified role from a single "administrator". 1 fig. 2 tabs. 14 refs.
作者 赵艳枝
出处 《国家图书馆学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期79-84,共6页 Journal of The National Library of China
关键词 长尾理论 长尾数据 数据监护 图书馆 小科学 Long-Tail Theory Long-Tail Data Data Curation Library Small Science
  • 相关文献


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