Objective To know tho distribution of genetic types of chronic hepatitis c patients and analyze the viral load, liver function and serological indicators of different HCV genetic types. Method Applied reverse transcription- polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technology to detect the HCV-RNA load of HCV patients (case group), and use PCR direct sequencing to conduct HCV genetic typing, and meanwhile fully automatic biochemical analyzer to detect ALT and AST level, and fully automatic blood analyzer of 5 classifications to detect cytological indicators of blood. Analyzed the correlation of genetic types with HCV-RNA contents, ALT, AST and blood cytology indica- tors. Result The result of HCV genetic type of 112 cases shows that type la, 4 cases (3.57%);type lb, 38 cases (33.93%); type 3a, 20 cases (17.86%); type 3b, 20 cases (17.86%); type 6a, 30 eases (26.79%); conduct one- way analysis of variance of first-time serum virus RNA quantitative result and genetic types from 112 chronic hepati- tis C patients. Genetic type and HCV-RNA ration shows no statistical difference, nor do the HCV genetic types and serum ALT and AST level. In the results of haematological indicators of different genetic types, except WBC com- parative difference which there were no statistical significantly differences (P〉0.05), other indicators, such as number of neutrophile granulocytes and lymphocytes, PLT and Hb, there were all statistical significantly differences (P〈0.05). Conclusion HCV genetic types and viral load of Guiyang area, liver function of chronic hepatitis c pa- tients, and hematological examination have important significance to clinical treatment.
Guizhou Medical Journal