
碳税对中国产业与地区竞争力的影响:基于CO_2排放责任的视角 被引量:7

The Impacts of Carbon Tax on the Sectoral and the Regional Competitiveness in China
摘要 基于2007年中国区域间投入产出表,本文从生产者责任与消费者责任两个方面考察了中国不同地区、不同产业的CO_2排放情况,并分析了两方面征收碳税对各地区以及相关产业竞争力影响的差异。研究表明,中国也存在着从东南沿海等相对发达地区向西北、东北等欠发达地区的"碳泄漏"现象。因此,与从生产者责任方征税相比,从消费者责任方征收碳税,可以较大幅度地减轻对西北、东北等欠发达地区及相关产业竞争力带来的负面影响,同时又不致使东南沿海经济发达地区及相关产业的额外负担上升幅度过大。本研究的政策启示是,在进行区域与产业CO_2排放责任分担时,不能仅仅停留在生产者责任方面,需要同时引入消费者的责任,这既符合责任分担的公平性要求,也能够协调各方利益,达到最佳减排效果。 Based on the inter-regional IOT of China in 2007 and from the two view-points of producer and consumer responsibilities, this paper investigates both the emissions of COz by regions and sectors and the impacts of carbon tax on the sectoral and the regional competitiveness in China. It is found that there exists the "carbon leakage" from the Southeast coastal areas to the Northwest and Northeast areas. Compared with the producer responsibility, taxation by the consumer responsibility can not only greatly reduce the burdens of the Northwest and Northeast as well as the burdens of their sectors, but also bring little impacts on the competitiveness of Southeast coastal areas. The policy implications are obvious. When the government distributes the shares of responsibility of the CO2 emission among different regions and different industries, the consumer responsibility, not just the producer responsibility, should be under consideration. This is not only consistent with the requirements of fairness responsibility, but also coordinates the interests of all regions and industries.
作者 潘文卿
出处 《数量经济技术经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期3-20,共18页 Journal of Quantitative & Technological Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"后金融危机时期中国区域经济的空间结构与区域发展"(71173132)资助
关键词 碳税 产业竞争力 地区竞争力 区域间投入产出表 Carbon Tax Sectoral Competitiveness Regional Competitiveness Inter regional IOT
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