Text,in the traditional view and practice,is believed to have a somewhat stable meaning.Contemporary text theory,associated with deconstruction,holds that all texts are intertextual or all texts contain traces of other texts.This paradigm shift has impacted textual interpretations,the relationship between reading and writing,studies of literary history and other areas.The view that texts are intertextual can be traced to the etymology of 'text' and to ancient mythologies.Starting with these roots,the essay then explores the logics underlining contemporary intertextual theories and identifies problems therein.Kristeva first proposed ' intertextuality' by synthesizing Saussure's semiotics and Bahtin's dialogism and the notion of inter-subjectivity.Although Barthes' theory is quite influential,his view of the textual space is quite different from that of Kristeva.His position on such issues as intersubjectivity,the historical dimensions of intertexts,authorial consciousness and the role of poetic texts is further critiqued.The essay also explores further developments in intertextuality theories,including Bloom's 'map of misreading' as literary history,feminism and postcolonial rewritings.What constitutes the textual space remains an area of contentions.Intertexts not only point to a language system but also point to dialogues between subjectivities,to the negotiations and conflicts of consciousnesses and positions,and to the transformation of received meanings in new contexts.
Foreign Literature