Correlation between Metroptosis Pathogenesis of Buffalo and Contents of Serum Calcium,Phosphorus and Antioxidation Levels
Correlation between Metroptosis Pathogenesis of Buffalo and Contents of Serum Calcium,Phosphorus and Antioxidation Levels
[Objective] The paper was to study the metroptosis pathogenesis of dairy buffalo.[Method]A total of 53 dairy buffaloes were selected to detect serum calcium,phosphorus,malondialdehyde(MDA) and total antioxidant capacity(TAC) levels.Dairy buffaloes were divided into metroptosis group(M) and healthy control group(UM) according to metroptosis situations of buffalo.The correlation between metroptosis of buffalo and calcium,phosphorus and oxidation/antioxidation levels in plasma was analyzed.[Result] The contents of serum calcium and phosphorus and oxidation/antioxidation level of dairy buffalo at the prenatal week and the calving day in M group were significantly lower than that in UM group.The TAC level of dairy buffalo in M group from the first three weeks to the calving day was significantly lower than that in UM group.The MDA level in M group was significantly higher than that in UM group.[Conclusion] The occurrence of postpartum metroptosis in buffalo was related to insufficient levels of calcium and phosphorus in prepartum buffalo,declined total antioxidation capacity and accumulation of peroxide products.
[Objective] The paper was to study the metroptosis pathogenesis of dairy buffalo.[Method]A total of 53 dairy buffaloes were selected to detect serum calcium,phosphorus,malondialdehyde(MDA) and total antioxidant capacity(TAC) levels.Dairy buffaloes were divided into metroptosis group(M) and healthy control group(UM) according to metroptosis situations of buffalo.The correlation between metroptosis of buffalo and calcium,phosphorus and oxidation/antioxidation levels in plasma was analyzed.[Result] The contents of serum calcium and phosphorus and oxidation/antioxidation level of dairy buffalo at the prenatal week and the calving day in M group were significantly lower than that in UM group.The TAC level of dairy buffalo in M group from the first three weeks to the calving day was significantly lower than that in UM group.The MDA level in M group was significantly higher than that in UM group.[Conclusion] The occurrence of postpartum metroptosis in buffalo was related to insufficient levels of calcium and phosphorus in prepartum buffalo,declined total antioxidation capacity and accumulation of peroxide products.
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