
Split Inteins介导的多肽链两端标记

Split Inteins Mediated Site-specific Dual-labeling of Proteins / Peptides
摘要 多肽链多位点特异性标记有助于了解蛋白质的结构与功能,特别是在蛋白质的动态构象研究方面.但是,现有的多肽链多位点特异性标记方法各有局限性,并且种类有限,所以有必要开发新的多肽链多位点特异性标记方法以满足研究需求.本文以Diub(ubiquitin dimer)蛋白为研究对象,借助S1和S11型2种不同的断裂蛋白质内含子(split inteins)的蛋白质反式剪接,将含有不同荧光基团的两种小肽成功剪接至靶蛋白的两端,最终达到对靶蛋白的末端标记目的. Multi-site protein modifications and labeling can be very helpful for protein structural and functional studies,especially in protein dynamics studies. Novel methods are needed due to the limitation of current canonical multi-site protein modification methods. In this article,two novel split inteins( S1 and S11) which have short complementary parts were successfully applied to splice the short peptides containing desired labeling to N- and C-terminus of the target by two steps of protein trans-splicing,respectively. Together,we have developed a protein / peptide dual-labeling technique,by which the target protein( ubiquitin dimer) can be specifically labeled with a reasonable yield.
出处 《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期535-542,共8页 Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.31070698) 教育部博士点基金项目(No.20120075110007) 教育部高校特色项目(No.TS2011DHDX025) 上海市科委攻关项目(No.14521100700) 上海市科委国际合作项目(No.14520720200) 国家外专局“高端外国专家项目”(No.GDW20143100069 No.GDW20143100070 No.GDW20143100071)资助~~
关键词 断裂蛋白质内含子 蛋白质反式剪接 N端和C端标记 荧光基团 split-intein protein trans-splicing N-and C-terminal labeling fluorescence group
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