
川东北地区长兴组酸性气藏中硫化氢来源及成因 被引量:6

Origin of H_2S in sour gas reservoirs in the Upper Permian Changxing Formation in northeastern Sichuan Basin
摘要 川东北地区长兴组( P3 ch)和飞仙关组( T1 f)天然气藏中检测出的高浓度H2 S气体目前被认为是硫酸盐热化学还原作用( TSR)成因。然而,长兴组内并无类似于飞仙关组的膏岩层或硬石膏结核发育,因此长兴组气藏的酸化过程成疑。通过针对研究区地层古压力以及输导体系方面的探讨,并结合碳酸盐岩晶格硫酸盐( CAS)含量、同位素以及稀土微量元素分析,研究认为:①长兴组气藏中高浓度H2 S气体不太可能由飞仙关组酸性气藏“倒灌”形成,而是由本地地层中发生的TSR作用所导致;②嘉陵江组( T1 j)和黄龙组( C2 h)沉积时期蒸发性卤水以及长兴期海水并非主要来源,而飞仙关期蒸发性卤水的倒灌为长兴组TSR反应的发生提供了主要的SO2-4来源,并导致其内的TSR成因方解石具有与飞仙关组方解石相似的正Eu异常、高Sr(高达7767×10-6)和Ba含量(高达1279×10-6)以及相对同时期海水较高的87Sr/86Sr比值(0.70724~0.70755);③卤水穿层流动主要发生于沉积期或成岩早期,沉积-准同生期渗透回流作用和早-中埋藏阶段差异压实作用为卤水运移的主要机制;④长兴组白云岩化过程中释放的CAS也可能是重要的SO2-4来源,并导致该层位气藏中H2 S及储层沥青δ34 S值较飞仙关组略有偏负。 High H2 S concentrations found in gas reservoirs within the Upper Permian Changxing Fm ( P3 ch) and Lower Triassic Feixianguan Fm ( T1 f) are generally thought to be formed via a process known as thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR).However,unlike the T1f Fm,rare gypsum/anhydrite beds or anhydrite nodular were found in the P 3ch Fm.This cast doubts over the accepted model for the souring process of the P 3 ch reservoirs.This study provides an analysis of palaegeopressure and carrier system within this system using carbonate-associated sulfate(CAS),isotopes,trace and rare earth element data.Results shows that,the H2S of high concentrations within the P3ch reservoirs were not derived from downward migration of sour gas from the T 1 f Fm,but were generated in situ through TSR;reactive sulfates were mainly derived from cross-formational brines migration from the T 1 f Fm,but with insignificant contributions from the Late Permian P3 ch seawater and sulfate-rich brines within the Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Fm and Middle Carboniferous Honglong Fm formations,and the down-migration of T1 f brines may have resulted in the P 3 ch TSR calcites having positive Eu anomaly , high Sr contents(up to 7 767 ppm)and Ba contents(up to 1 279 ppm)close to the T1f TSR calcite,and 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707 24~0.707 55 ) more radiogenic than those of the late Permian seawater;the cross-formational brine flow mainly occurred during sedimentary stage or the early stages of diagenesis ,and seepage reflux during contemporaneous-penecon-temporaneous stage and differential compaction flux during early -mid burial stage might serve as the main migration mecha-nisms;④CAS released during dolomization was another possible sulfate source ,which brought the δ34 S values of H2 S and bitumen a little lower than those of the T 1 f Fm.
出处 《石油与天然气地质》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期183-192,共10页 Oil & Gas Geology
基金 国家杰出青年科学基金项目(41125009) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(41202108)
关键词 晶格硫酸盐 差异压实 硫酸盐热化学还原反应 硫化氢 酸性气藏 长兴组 川东北地区 CAS differential compaction TSR H2S sour gas reservoir Changxing Formation northeastern Sichuan Basin
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