
仓央嘉措诗歌在英语世界的译介(1906-2012) 被引量:8

Tshangyang Gyatsho's Poems in the English World(1906-2012)
摘要 仓央嘉措诗歌在英语世界的译介已有百余年的历史,可以分为三个阶段:滥觞阶段(1906—1930年),特征表现在译者多为英国早期带有殖民者身份特征的藏学家,他们的译诗多出现在藏学著作的相关章节或是附录中;初步发展阶段(1930—1969年),其特征为译者身份局限于西方的藏学家,全译本、单行本开始出现,翻译与藏学研究密切相关;多元发展阶段(1969年至今),表现为更多译本的涌现,译者身份的多样化,诗人翻译家开始涉足其间,翻译与英语诗歌创作开始发生关联。 English translation of Tshangyang Gyatsho's poems at home and abroad has more than a cen- tury long history and the time period of the translation can be divided into three stages:the beginning period(1906--1930) in which most translators bear the identity of Tibetologists serving for colonialism and their translations always appear in their works as citations or as appendix; the developing period (1930--1969) in which translators are Tibetologists and their translations were based on respective rele- vant Tibetan studies. In this stage full translation version and separate translation edition are published; the diversification period(1969--nowadays) in which more translations surge and the identities of transla- tors begin to diversify and since then poet translators set foot in the field and relationship between translation and composition of poem occured.
作者 荣立宇
出处 《西藏研究》 北大核心 2015年第2期110-120,共11页 Tibetan Studies
基金 2014年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"仓央嘉措诗歌研究:译介 传播与比较"(项目批准号:14YJC740075)的阶段性成果
关键词 仓央嘉措 诗歌翻译 英语世界 Tshangyang Gyatsho Poetry Translation English World
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  • 2Barks, Coleman. Stallion on a Frozen Lake: Love Songs of the Sixth Dalai Lama[M]. Athens, Georgia: Maypop Books, 1992.
  • 3Bell, Sir Charles. Tibet : past & present [ M ]. London : Oxford University Press, 1927.
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  • 6Duncan,Marion H. Love Songs and Proverbs of Tibet[M].London:The Mitre Press,1961.
  • 7Fields, Rick & Brian Cutillo. The Turquoise Bee:the Love Songs of the Sixth Dalai Lama [M]. New York and San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1998.
  • 8Goldstein,Melvyn C. The Snow Lion and the Dragon, China,Tibet, and the Dalai Lama [ M ]. Berkeley. LOs. Angeles Oxford : 1997.
  • 9Hill,Nathan,& Toby Fee. Love Poems of the Sixth Dalai Lama[J].The Harvard Advocate, Translation Issue, Winter 2008.
  • 10Houston, Gary W. (trans.) Wings of the White Crane:Poems of Tshang dbyangs rgya mtsho (1683-1706) [ n 3. Delhi, Varanasi, Patna : Motilal Banarsidass, 1982.












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