随着临床上对腔隙性脑梗死纯运动性轻偏瘫(pure motor hemiparesis,PMH)治疗效果的不断重视,应用益红抗脑栓胶囊治疗得到进一步效果。对PMH的治疗主要是依靠对病因的彻底探讨,根据治疗原则来确定其临床价值。该研究通过对浙江省奉化市人民医院2013年3月—2014年9月178例腔隙性脑梗死纯运动性轻偏瘫病患分别采用益红抗脑栓胶囊和脉栓通胶囊治疗,对治疗后的有效性及血液流变学指标进行对比。最后发现益红抗脑栓胶囊在应用过程中安全性高,治疗的有效性比例更大。并且有利于血脂和血液流变学指标的稳定,对神经功能的修复作用更大。因此,临床上应推广应用益红抗脑栓胶囊治疗PMH。但药物之间的总体的差异还需进一步对比,以保证临床疗效。
With the treatment of lacunar cerebral infarction with pure motor hemiparesis (PMH) attach importance to the treatment effect, application benefit of Yihong Kangnaoshuan capsule in the treatment of further effect. Treatment of PMH is mainly depending on the thorough discussion on the cause, to determine the clinical value of treatment based on the principle of. Through the research of Zhejiang People's Hospital of Fenghua from 2013 March to 2014 September 178 cases of pure motor hemiparesis were the benefit of Yihong Kangnaoshuan capsule and vedrin capsule treatment, compared the indexes of efficacy after treatment and blood rheology. Finally found the benefits of Yihong Kangnaoshuan capsule in the application process with high safety, efficacy and greater proportion. And in favor of blood lipid and blood rheology indicators of stability, the repair of neurological function is more. Therefore, clinicians should be applied benefit of red brain thrombus capsule in the treatment of PMH. But the overall difference between drugs is need to further comparison, in order to ensure clinical curative effect.
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica