
水资源与能源纽带关系国际动态及启示 被引量:13

Trend and inspiration of water and energy nexus
摘要 水资源和能源,共同作为基础性的自然资源和重要的战略资源,两者关系十分密切。几乎所有的能源开发和利用都离不开水,而水资源开发利用又必须以能源作为动力。但随着经济社会发展对水与能源需求的不断增长,水与能源成为可能制约未来经济社会可持续发展的两大瓶颈(第三大瓶颈是环境)。联合国将2014年3月22日世界水日主题定为"水与能源",充分表明了全球层面对水与能源问题的高度重视。国际上对水资源与能源的关注度逐渐提高,并对水资源与能源之间的纽带关系和协同发展开展了一些探索性研究。跟进水资源与能源纽带关系国际动态,对制定我国水资源与能源安全保障战略具有重要借鉴与参考意义。 Water and energy, both as fundamental natural resources and important strategic resources, are tightly intertwined and highly interdependent. Water is used in all phases of energy production and utilization. Energy is required to extract, convey and deliver water of appropriate quality. Along with the increasing demand of water and energy required, water and energy have become two of the three bottlenecks restricting sustainable socio-economic growth. UN identified the theme of World Water Day on March 22, 2014 as "Water and Energy", which has fully shown the global attention on water and energy nexus. Internationally, some studies and activities have been carried out on water and energy nexus for concerted development between the two important resources. It will be of great significance to follow up international updates on water and energy nexus for formulating China's water and energy security strategy.
出处 《中国水利》 2015年第11期6-9,共4页 China Water Resources
基金 2014年中国水科院国际调研专项水资源与能源协同安全国际发展动态(项目编号:WR0145C132014)
关键词 水资源 能源 国际动态 协同可持续发展 water resources energy international updates coordinated and sustainable development
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  • 3UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization). Policies for Promoting Industrial Energy Efficiency in Developing Countries and Transition Economies, Executive Summary. Vien- na, UNIDO. 2008.
  • 4http://www.unido. org/fileadmin/media/documents/pdf/En- ergy_Environment/ind_energy efficien- cyEbookv2.pdf WWAP (World Water Assessment Programme). The United Nations World Water Development Report 3: Water in a Changing World. Paris/ London, UNESCO/Earthscan. 2009.
  • 5WWAP (World Water Assessment Programme). The United Nations World Water Development Report 4: Managing Water Under Uncertainty and Risk. Paris. UNESCO. 2012.











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