3Forging A World Of Liberty Under Law: U.S. National Security In the 21st Century,The Princeton Projection National Security Final Report_September27.2006.p7.
4Michael Mandelbaum. Democracy without America: the Spontaneous Spread of Freedom, Foreign Affairs, September/October 2007, p119-130.
5Hillary Rodham Clinton.Civil Society: Supporting Democracy in the 21st Century,http://www.state.gov/ secretary/20092013clinton/rm/2010/07/143952.htm.
6David Kilgour, CCD Board Member Taiwan, China, and Governance http://www.ccd21.org/blog/kilgour_taiwan_ china_governance.html,June24,2014.
3G. John Ikenberry and Anne - Marie Slaughter Co - Directors, "Forging A World of Liberty under Law: U.S. National Security in 21st Century", Final Report of the Princeton Project on National Security, http ://www. wws. princeton, edu/ppns/report/Finalreport, pdf.
6Monterey Institute of International Studies ( MIIS), "Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) Programs: Security and Arms Control in Northeast Asia", Course Materials, Lesson 5, 2005, p. 24, http ://cns. miis. edu/cns/projects/eanp/training/ttt/lessons/english/leoS, pdf.
9Stephen Kotkin, "The Unbalanced Triangle: What Chinese - Russian Relations Mean for the United States", Foreign Affairs, September/October 2009, p. 135.
10Maastricht Treaty, Title V, Article J. 1, http://eumpa, eu. int/en/record/mt/title5, htm.