

Difference analysis of forestry websites performance evaluation for different groups of people
摘要 通过分析不同人群对林业网站评估结果的差异,挖掘指标体系中存在的问题,提出相应的改善建议。采用德尔菲法和层次分析法,从5个角度建立我国林业网站评估指标体系,选择3类不同背景的人群对34个林业网站进行评估,从组内、组间的角度,运用频数分析、信度分析等数学方法对指标进行评估结果的差异分析。组内分析中,公众评估结果的离散度最大,研究生次之,林业专家最小;组间分析中,信息化研究生与其他两类人群的相关性较小,在信息公开、在线服务和公众参与3个指标上,其剔除后的Alpha值大于总体的Alpha值。不同人群对指标的评估结果存在差异,今后需要注意指标建设和评估人群选择的合理性。 Through analyzing different results in forestry websites evaluation based on different groups of people ,problems existing in the index system were mined and corresponding improvement suggestions were proposed .Chinese forestry website evaluation index system was established from five aspects using Delphi and AHP methods ,which was used to evaluate 34 forestry web‐sites by 3 groups of people with different backgrounds .The various assessment results were analyzed within and among groups using mathematical methods ,such as frequency analysis and reliability analysis .In the differences within groups ,public people have the most obvious degree of evaluation dispersion and graduate students take second place ,forestry experts’ discrete degree is minimal .In the differences among groups ,informatization graduate students’ evaluation results have smaller correlation with other populations’ and their eliminating Alpha value is greater than the total Alpha value in information publication ,online ser‐vices and public participation .Different people have different index assessment results ,the construction of evaluation index sys‐tem and the choice of evaluation people need to be paid more attention to in the future .
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 北大核心 2015年第6期1657-1665,共9页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 国家林业公益项目-森林资源管理信息化标准体系研究基金项目(200804009)
关键词 指标体系 林业网站评估 不同人群 组内差异 组间差异 分析 indicator system forestry website assessments different groups of people differences within groups differences among groups analysis
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