目的初步评估龙舌兰酒中甲醇的急性和慢性暴露健康风险。方法通过毒性资料检索与分析,确定甲醇的人体经口暴露急性和慢性限量值,参照我国居民酒精类饮料的消费模式,以我国饮酒者的白酒高端消费量代替龙舌兰酒高端消费量,基于专家咨询结果,选择龙舌兰酒中甲醇限量值3.0 g/L为龙舌兰酒中甲醇含量最大值(以100%酒精计),计算我国成人饮酒者经龙舌兰酒一次摄入甲醇的量;以我国饮酒者的白酒平均消费量代替龙舌兰酒平均消费量,结合已发表文献的龙舌兰酒中甲醇含量的平均值1.8 g/L(以100%酒精计),计算我国成人饮酒者经龙舌兰酒慢性摄入甲醇的量。结果我国居民通过饮用龙舌兰酒一次性摄入的甲醇为11.25 mg/kg BW,低于一次经口暴露限量(20 mg/kg BW);慢性摄入的甲醇为1.69 mg/kg BW,低于推荐的甲醇每日参考剂量(2.0 mg/kg BW)。结论我国成人饮酒者通过龙舌兰酒摄入甲醇的急性暴露和慢性暴露的健康风险较低。
Objective To assess the potential acute and chronic heahh risk of oral exposure to methanol in tequila in Chinese adult drinkers. Methods Oral exposure threshold limit values in human were chosen by toxicity data. A conservative estimation was used. Instead of high percentile tequila consumption data, high percentile distilled spirit consumption data combined with 3.0 g/L (100% ethanol) methanol in tequila as the maximum concentration were employed for acute exposure assessment. Instead of average tequila consumption data, average distilled spirit consumption data combined with 1.8 g/L ( 100% ethanol) methanol in tequila reported by reference published were employed for chronic exposure assessment. Results The estimated single intake of methanol from tequila was 11.25 mg/kg BW which was lower than single oral exposure dose (20 mg/kg BW). The estimated intake of methanol from tequila was 1.69 mg/kg BW which was lower than the recommended reference close of 2. 0 mg/kg BW. Conclusion Acute and chronic health risk of methanol from Tequila was ignorable.
Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene