

Integrated Guidance and Control Design with Sliding Mode Differentiator
摘要 针对制导控制一体化模型中由于目标机动加速度难以测量的问题,提出了应用高阶滑模微分器,对导弹导引头获得的弹目相对运动信息进行微分,从而解算出目标加速度的方法。在最后开展了导弹六自由度仿真验证,将高阶滑模微分器得到的目标加速度与真实值进行对比,验证了方法的有效性。 As the target information in the integrated guidance and control model are difficult to measure, a novel high order sliding mode differentiator (SMD) is introduced to get access to the target acceleration by differentiating the target and missile relative motion information obtained from the missile active homing seeker. The six degree of freedom simulation is carried out and a comparison between the estimated target maneuver information and its true data is made, which successfully verifies the effective- ness the proposed algorithm.
出处 《现代防御技术》 北大核心 2015年第3期77-82,88,共7页 Modern Defence Technology
基金 航空科学基金项目(20130196004)
关键词 制导控制一体化 高阶滑模微分器 滑模控制 反演控制 integrated guidance and control high order sliding mode differentiator sliding modecontrol back-stepping control
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