
基于VFD滤波器的测控信号动态信息加载方法 被引量:1

Approach of Dynamic Loading for TT&C Signal Based on VFD Filter
摘要 针对动态性能测试中的测控信号大动态信息加载问题,提出了一种基于VFD滤波器的加载方法。该方法采用整点延时对原静态信号实现整数倍采样间隔延时,然后采用VFD滤波器对整点延时信号实现高精度小数延时,从而得到精确延时信号,实现测控信号的大动态高精度模拟。仿真分析表明,该方法不但能实现测控信号的大动态高精度模拟,且能适应于不同体制测控信号的动态模拟,为动态性能测试过程中的静态测控信号加载动态信息提供了一种方法。 A processing method based on variable fractional delay (VFD) filter is proposed to imple- ment the accurately loading high dynamic for TT&C signal. The method could achieve the high accuracy and high dynamic simulation for the TT&C signal, which adopts the way of store-delay to implement inte- ger delay for the static data, and uses the VFD filter to implement high accuracy fractional delay for the integer delay signal. Simulation results show that the proposed method can not only accurately and com- mendably implement loading high dynamic for telemetry, track and command (TT&C) signal, but also suit for dynamic simulations of signals of different forms. It provides a good way for dynamic simulation in the dynamic performance test of TT&C equipment.
出处 《现代防御技术》 北大核心 2015年第3期146-150,164,共6页 Modern Defence Technology
关键词 VFD滤波器 动态加载 小数延时 动态模拟 大动态 variable fractional delay ( VFD ) fiher loading dynamic fractional delay dynamic simu-lation high dynamic
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