
内外激励协同影响创造力:一个被中介调节模型 被引量:22

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivational Synergy on Creativity:A Mediated Moderation Model
摘要 适应新常态与创新引领是当前中国转型发展的主基调,如何激活员工创造力已经提到企业发展的战略议程。基于有机整合理论和内外激励协同的视角,引入心理需要作为重要的边界条件(发挥调节作用)和作用机制(发挥中介作用),构建一个被中介的调节效应模型,尝试揭示任务意义和奖励如何协同影响员工创造力。以某信用卡中心3 150名员工为研究样本,运用多元回归和区间估计Bootstrap法进行假设检验。研究结果表明,1任务意义正向影响创造力,表明优化工作设计、让员工体验到更多的工作意义和价值有助于提升创造力;2奖励正向调节任务意义与创造力的关系,但被胜任需要和归属需要的中介作用所解释,表明尽管奖励从整体上促进任务意义转化为创造力,但只有当奖励能够激活个体的胜任感和归属感时,才能推动员工将从任务意义中体验到的内在激励因素转化为现实的创造力成果。研究结果为弥合激励理论冲突、推进理论整合提供了新的分析框架,也为相关行业优化工作设计、丰富任务意义感知以及完善绩效评价和薪酬设计提供了坚实的理论指导和实践指南。 In the phrase of the New Normal, organizations are giving efforts to use employee creativity as a potential resource for survival, innovation, and change. How to foster employee creativity is much higher on the strategic agenda of business than ever. Although many scholars believe that beth task significance and reward may fuel creativity, research has returned equivocal re- suits. Firstly, although task significance is assumed to foster creativity by enabling employee to experience his task as more meaningful and influencing, scholars have not yet informed the boundary conditions that impact the relationship between task sig- nificance and creativity. Secondly, Reward( Payments contingent on employee creative performance) is an important and domi- nant incentive way in business, which attempts to accomplish the goal of aligning employer and employee interests by providing monetary incentives to motivate employees to be productive. However, there occurs a tremendous contrast with the practice is that, theoretical research on whether PFP can foster creativity is far from consistent. Thirdly, some theories, such as Amabile's motivational synergy, and Deci &Ryan's organismic integration theory, arc committed to combine task significance with reward to predict employee creativity. We argue, however, that the mechanisms offered in each theory alone fail to fully account for the in- teractive mechanisms through which rewards may moderate the relation between task significance and creativity. Building upon but going beyond previous conceptualizations, we construct a mediated moderation model, which outlines the ways in which task significance( which represents intrinsic motivation) might interact with reward(which arises from the desire to ob- tain outcomes that are apart from the work itself) to predict employee creativity. We propose that the relationship between task significance and creativity is enhanced by reward via psychological needs. We used HLM procedure to test the hypnoses, and 3 150 samples are collected from a Credit Card Center. The results reveal that reward strengthens the association between task significance and creativity. And competence needs, as well as relatedness needs, mediates this moderating effect positively. On the contrary, autonomy needs mediates the moderating effect negatively. Those re- suits mean that, reward can strengthen the positive impact of task significance on creativity only when it meets the needs for competence and relatedness. Based on the research findings, we construct a theoretical model, and try to describe the conflicting processes of two opposing theories between cognitive school and behavior school. We also discuss theoretical implications and applications for creativity and reward.
作者 马君 王迪
出处 《管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期38-51,共14页 Journal of Management Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(10YJC630178) 上海市哲学社会科学规划项目(2013BGL015)~~
关键词 任务意义 奖励 创造力 心理需要 被中介调节效应 task significance reward creativity psychological needs mediated moderation effect
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