
俄罗斯与外部世界 被引量:3

Russia and the Outside World
摘要 苏联解体后,作为转型与发展的一个重要组成部分,俄罗斯需要重塑与外部世界的关系。俄罗斯与外部世界的关系是一个内部进程和外部变化落差日益加大的历史进程,这一历史过程与内部政治秩序的变化互为影响。在最初关键的历史时刻,由于北约东扩、波黑战争、国内政治生态及车臣战争等因素,俄罗斯未能融入西方体系。时至今日,俄罗斯未能实现与外部世界融入与并立之间的平衡。对于俄罗斯而言,构建其内外空间观缺乏一个可以和其现代国家身份相匹配的认知上的他者,而且,由于冷战结束以来俄罗斯与外部世界之间一系列国际关系事件导致双方对彼此认知产生战略互疑,俄罗斯最终走向了孤立主义的倾向。尽管如此,俄罗斯可能受到孤立和走向孤立的最大威胁还是来自自身,来自内部。 After the collapse of the Soviet Union, there has been a need for Russia to restore its relations with the outside world, which has served as an important part of the country's transition and development. Russia's relationship with the outside world is involved in a historical process with a widening gap between the country’s internal process and the external changes. The historical process and Russia's internal political order affect each other. Russia failed to integrate into the Western system at the initial critical moment in history, due to such factors as the eastward expansion of NATO, the war in Bosnia, Russia’s domestic political dynamics and the war in Chechnya. Even today, Russia has yet to strike a proper balance between its integration into and existence along with the outside world. Russia lacks a cognitive“other”which matches the former's modern country identity to construct its internal and external views of space. In addition, a series of events concerning international relations has occurred between Russia and the outside world since the end of the Cold War, causing both parties to suspect each other's perceptions, with Russia eventually leaning towards isolationism. Nevertheless, Russia itself and its internal situation may serve as the biggest threat to subject the country to isolation and an isolationist tendency.
作者 庞大鹏
出处 《俄罗斯学刊》 2015年第3期5-12,共8页 Academic Journal of Russian Studies
关键词 俄罗斯 外部世界 政治发展 Russia the outside world political development
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