在芬兰,车辆总质量达到76 t级别的超长挂车列车自2013年以来变得越来越普及,政府在交通运输部的建议下已允许符合这一吨位级别限值的车辆上路.根据芬兰的法规,这个级别的重卡需要以9轴以上的挂车列车形式上路,而且至少65%的挂车质量应承载在装配有每边双车轮的车轴上.下面我们就来看看这样2款怪兽级的超级重卡在北极圈试驾时的表现:其中一款为沃尔沃FH 16-750木材运输车,另外一款为芬兰著名卡车品牌Sisu Polar系列中运送沙石的自卸车.
In Finland, 9-axle 76-tonne GCW longer truck-trailer combinations are becoming more and more popular since 2013, when the Govenment approved this new weight limit on the basis of a proposal of the Ministry of Transportation. This is the story of two of such monster trucks: a Volvo Trucks FH 16-750 timber truck and a Sisu P olar gravel dump truck.
Commercial Vehicle