

Journalistic Semantic Probability, Scale of Delicacy and Proximity
摘要 本文主要探讨新闻英语语义制约因素盖然率、精密阶和接近度之间的关系,接近度的计量方法及三因素对新闻词汇的语义制约。文章从汉语言信息处理和计算机应用领域借入"语义相似性"概念,通过语言实验、梳理语义相似性的算法以及新闻语义和常规语义间语义距离计量方法,总结得出二语测试中精密阶的建议算法、语义距离值和"接近度"的计量方法。本文是针对新闻英语测试进行的质性研究。文中的两个新闻词汇(组)抽样是draft和blackout。 This paper discusses the semantic constraints of English news probability, scale of delicacy and relationship between proximity and semantic proximity and its measurement method as well as the semantic constraints of the three factors on lexical information. Article introduces semantic proximity'concept from the mandarin information processing and computer applications. By combing the algorithm of semantic proximity and semantic distance, the summary is obtained: the proposal algorithm of scale of delicacy in second language testing; semantic distance value and the measurement methods of the "semantic proximity".
作者 吴建清
出处 《中国外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期42-49,共8页 Foreign Languages in China
基金 教育部人文社科基金阶段性成果 编号11YJC740111
关键词 盖然率 精密阶 接近度 语义制约 新闻英语 probability scale of delicacy proximity semantic constraints journalistic English
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