
传承还是另创领地?--家族企业二代继承的权威合法性建构 被引量:184

Is it Succession of the Family Business or Creating Other Field?: The Construction of the Authority Legitimacy of the Second Generation Succession of the Family Business
摘要 代际传承是家族企业可持续成长的关键。然而,二代继承人往往因为权威合法性不足面临着"少主难以服众"的尴尬局面。针对上述现象,本文从权威理论和比较期望理论出发分析二代继任的权威合法性不足的问题。这一研究从过去主要关注家族企业传承什么和如何传承的问题,转向对代际传承与组合创业的关系及其微观机理的研究。本文的基本假设是,二代继承者一个可能的选择不是简单地继承父业,而是"另创领地"进入其他行业或领域,这一组合创业是其面对自身权威合法性不足以及比较期望过高的不利环境时,构建个人权威和显示其能力合法性的战略选择。同时,制度环境作为改变比较期望的参考框架,也会影响二代进行组合创业的倾向。这一研究模型将家族传承、权威合法性与组合创业理论有机地结合起来,拓展和深化了家族企业代际创业与传承的研究。运用我国上市家族企业的数据,本文分析检验了上述理论命题,给出了稳健性较好的实证支持,对我国家族企业二代传承与组合创业的关系给出了一个制度情境依赖的解释。 The intergenerational succession is the key to the sustainable development of the family business(FB). However,often due to inadequate authority legitimacy, the successor of the second generation(SOTSG) has faced the embarrass-ment that'the young lords can hardly let others be convinced'. In response to the above phenomena, we have, in thispaper, analyzed the problem of the inadequate legitimacy of the authority of the second generation, on the basis of theauthority theory and the comparative expectation theory. This research has shifted its focus from the content and theway of the FB succession to the study on the relationship between intergenerational transition and the grouping startinga business and to its micro mechanism. This paper is based on the basic assumption that one of the possible choices ofthe SOTSG is not simply inheriting his or her father's business, but on the basis of'creating other field', that is tosay, entering into other field, and that this starting a business by grouping is the strategic selection of constructing per-sonal authority and showing the legitimating of his or her ability, when they are under the unfavorable environment inwhich they face the inadequacy of the legitimating of his or her authority and in which their comparative expectationhis too high. At the same time, the system environment as changing reference framework of the comparative framework,will also impact on the tendency to the second generation starting, in group, a business. This study model has organical-ly combined the family succession, the authority legitimating and the theory of starting, in group, a business, and hasexpanded and deepened the study on starting a business, in generation, of the FB. By the use of the data of the FB inChina's listed company, we have, in this article, examined, by analyses, the above-mentioned theoretical proposition,given a better steady case support, and provided an explanation, which relies on the system circumstances, of the rela-tionship between the second generation succession of China's FB and starting, in group, a business.
出处 《管理世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期110-124,187-188,共15页 Journal of Management World
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71232009)、面上项目(71172167、71372155) 青年科学基金项目(71202095)的资助
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