
东莞市部分孕早期妇女膳食营养状况调查 被引量:1

Nutritional status among women in early pregnancy in Dongguan
摘要 目的通过调查孕早期妇女的膳食摄入,了解孕早期妇女膳食营养状况,为指导孕妇合理营养提供科学依据。方法采用连续3 d 24 h膳食回顾法,对2013年4—8月间纳入东莞市某医院调查队列的孕早期妇女进行膳食调查,与《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量》中的膳食营养素推荐摄入量(RNI)和《中国孕期、哺乳期妇女和0-6岁儿童膳食指南》中的孕早期妇女平衡膳食宝塔推荐摄入量进行比较。结果本研究共纳入245名孕早期妇女,平均年龄(26.40±3.13)岁,年龄最小20岁,最大35岁。孕前BMI平均水平为(19.87±2.61)。调查对象平均每日能量摄入量为1 456.00 kcal,能量摄入量占RNI的80.89%,蛋白质供能比(12.32%)低于推荐比例,而脂肪所占比例(32.73%)则高于推荐比例。其他主要营养素仅烟酸摄入量达RNI(103.33%),膳食纤维、钠、钙、维生素B1的摄入量分别为RNI的31.52%、34.38%、36.90%、39.17%。与平衡膳食宝塔建议的孕早期妇女摄入量相比,粮谷类(238.43 g)、畜肉类(44.18 g)的平均摄入量处于推荐量范围内,水果类的摄入量(218.10 g)略高于推荐量上限,而蔬菜(144.79 g)、禽类(13.55 g)、鱼类(31.60 g)、奶类及奶制品(95.60 g)、蛋类(24.83 g)、大豆及坚果(8.29 g)则未达到推荐量,其中48.16%(118/245)的调查对象水果摄入量超过建议摄入量的上限,仅6.53%(16/245)的孕妇蔬菜类的摄入量在建议量范围内,仅3.67%(9/245)的孕妇奶类及奶制品的摄入量在建议量范围内。结论大部分被调查孕早期妇女营养素和食物摄入量未能达到推荐摄入量的标准,应注意孕期营养的宣传和合理指导。 Objective To understand dietary nutrition status of women in early pregnancy so as to provide scientific evidence for a more reasonable dietary recommendation for them. Methods A consecu- tive 3 - day 24 - h dietary recall method was used to investigate the dietary intake of women in early preg- nancy who were enrolled in a cohort of a hospital in Dongguan City from April to Augnst,2013. Recommen- ded Nutrient Intakes (RNIs) of Chinese Dietary Reference Intakes and Dietary guidelines for Chinese preg- nant women, women during lactation and children aged 0 to 6 years were used to evaluate the nutritional status of pregnant women. Results A total of 245 women aged between 20 and 35 years in early pregnancy were included in this study. The average age was (26.40±3.13) years and the average body mass index ( BMI), ( 19.87±2.61 ). The average daily intake of energy was 1 456.00 kcal (80.89% of RNI). Pro- tein to energy ratio ( 12.32% ) was lower than RNI, whereas the fat to energy ratio (32. 73% ) was higher than RNI. Only the amount of niacin intake met the RNI (103.33% of RNI) , while the intake amount of dietary fiber, sodium, calcium and vitamin B1 were 31.52%, 34.38%, 36.90%, 39.17% of RNI, re- spectively. The average daily intakes of cereals (238.43 g) and livestock meat (44.18 g) met RNI, fruit(218. 10 g) was slightly above RNI, whereas vegetables (144. 79 g), poultry (13. 55 g), fish (31.60 g), milk and milk products (95.60 g), eggs (24.83 g), and beans and nuts (8.29 g) did not reach RNI. Among the pregnant women, 48.16% had excessive fruit intake compared with RNI, only 6. 53% and 3.67% meet the RNI for vegetables and milk, respectively. Conclusion Nutrients and a- mount of food taken by most women in early pregnancy did not meet RNIs and reasonable nutrition guidance should be given to them.
出处 《华南预防医学》 2015年第3期224-228,共5页 South China Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 中国营养学会妇幼营养分会"孕期体重增长适宜值的多中心队列研究"项目
关键词 怀孕期间 膳食调查 Peripartum period Dietary survey
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