插齿刀变位系数加大 ,则其齿顶强度降低。欲保证其齿顶强度 ,需求出所允许的最大变位系数x0max。如采用作图法求x0max则过于粗糙 ,采用试算法则太麻烦。通过应用齿顶宽度与齿数、模数及变位系数之关系进行计算作出详细表格 ,读者根据插齿刀的模数、齿数、齿高系数即可得到x0max。
With the increasing of the profile shafted coefficient of gear shaper, the addendum strength will decrease. To ensure the addendum strength, the maximum profile shaft caefficient is needed to be obtained. It will be rough by drawing method or will be inconuenient by trial method. The author has calculated according to the relationship among addendum width, gear tooth number, module and profile shafted cofficient and designed a detailed fable. X omax can be quickly obtained in terms of the module, tooth number and coefficient of gear height of gear shaper. And a good result can be obtained from proutical applications.
Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology:Natural Science Edition