Objective To develop a scientific and effective instrument which could reflect oral care assessment practices performed by critical care nurses for orally intubated critically ill patients.Methods Members of the research team introduced the foreign oral care assessment model of BRUSHED,and developed a primary version of the Oral Care Assessment Scale for Orally Intubated Critically Ill Patients based on literature reviews,brainstorming and expert consultation.The primary version went through several revisions and expert consultation to form a test version,which was later evaluated by 7experts for its content validity,and used to survey260 nurses.Results The final version of the Oral Care Assessment Scale for Orally Intubated Critically Ill Patients included 6single choice questions and a multiple choice question(the BRUSHED model was modified into BRUSHED-T model,and had 8choices).The Cronbach′sαcoefficient was 0.827,and the Guttman Split-half coefficient was 0.806;one factor was extracted by factor analysis,accounting for 54.185% of the total variance;all items had loadings greater than 0.6on the factor;the scale-level content validity index(CVI)of the scale was 0.952,and item-level CVI was〉0.8.Among the items,the CVIof the multiple choice question(the BRUSHED-T model)reached 1.000,with 8choices being selected by 66.9%to 95.0% of the nurses participated in the survey.Conclusion The Oral Care Assessment Scale for Orally Intubated Critically Ill Patients has good reliability and validity,and can be used to measure the status of oral care assessment level for orally intubated patients in Chinese medical culture.The BRUSHEDT model,simple and easy to remember,can help nurses perform oral assessment for these patients.