为了解决网络安全实验受到硬件条件和虚拟化技术限制的问题,设计实现了基于Open Stack的网络安全实验平台。该平台采用抽象分层模式,通过整合实验项目设计虚拟网络拓扑结构,并在Open Stack中使用SDN网络虚拟化技术搭建。通过教学实践表明,该平台具有真实性、可编程性、隔离性和扩展性等特点,为用户提供了一个良好的网络安全实验教学环境,具有一定的研究和应用价值。
In order to solve the problem of limitation of hardware conditions and virtualization technology for network security experiment OpenStackbased experimental platform for network security is designed and implemented. The platform adopts the abstract hierarchical pattern through integrating experimental project to design virtual network topology and uses SDN network virtualization technology to build the experimental platform in OpenStack.Teaching practice indicates that the platform possesses the features of authenticity programmability isolation and expandability it can provide a good network security experiment teaching environment for users and possess certain research and application value.
Research in Teaching