分析了网络业务能力开放的背景和研究现状、提出了网络业务能力开放的4个典型场景(分别是Qo S保障能力、连接属性、实时位置和计费模式的能力开放)和需求,并提出了一种基于PCC架构的能力开放解决方案,通过升级现有的Rx接口支持XML协议的方式,让移动网络通过PCRF实现对第三方业务服务器提供商的能力开放。
It analyzes the network service capability exposure background and the status quo, proposes the four typical exposures scenarios and requirements, including QoS capability, connection properties, realtime location information and charging model choice. Besides, it proposes a PCC architecture based solution, which requires to upgrade the Rx reference point to support XML protocol. This solution could realize the exposure of the network service capability to the third party application providers through the PCRF.
Designing Techniques of Posts and Telecommunications