海洋水声环境时空变化显著,评估其对主动声纳探测效能的影响具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。提出HMG方法用以评估水声环境效应对主动声纳探测的影响。采用UMPE(The university of miami parabolic equation)、CANARY、JACKSON模型模拟特定海洋环境下的传播损失、环境噪声、混响分布,将模拟结果融入主动声纳检测概率模型,计算检测概率。评估结果发现近场检测概率较高,远场可检测的区域与声能汇聚区一致。
The ocean acoustic environment varies greatly with time and space, and the evaluation of its impact on active sonar detection is of great theoretical significance and application value.The HMG method is put forward in this paper to evaluate the said impacts. The UMPE, CANARY and JACKSON models are used to simulate the transmission loss, ambient noise and reverberation under given conditions, and the detection probability is calculated using the simulation results by active sonar detection probability model.The evaluation results show that detection probability is great in vicinity, and the beyond detectable area is according with the convergence zone.
Hydrographic Surveying and Charting