
英语动词-论元构式的习得初期,如何“学伴”为更佳 被引量:7

In the Initial Stage of English Verb Argument Construction Learning,What Kind of Input Guarantees Better Acquisition?
摘要 本研究考察了两种不同"学伴"方式对新造英语动词-论元构式习得的影响。两个水平组的80名非英语专业学生分别参加了不同"学伴"条件下的学习和测试任务。研究发现:1)在英语动词-论元构式的习得初期,典型范例"学伴"的学习方式比等视相异范例"学伴"的学习方式更能显著促进被试对目标构式的习得。2)在典型范例"学伴"条件下,语言水平除了对动词-论元构式的连接规则有影响外,对习得新构式义的影响不显著。这说明在习得目标构式的过程中,两组被试都明显依赖典型范例来建构动词-论元构式的表征网络。 This paper investigated the effect of the two disparate ways of input in the acquisition of English novel verb argument constructions( VACs) by Chinese EFL learners,one being the typical token-oriented learning,the other being the even tokens-oriented learning. Eighty Chinese EFL learners at respective upper-intermediate and advanced levels participated in the study. The results show that:( i) the typical token-oriented learning is significantly more facilitative than the even tokens-oriented learning at the beginning of constructional learning;( ii) participants' English proficiency does not play a significant role in this constructional learning process except in learning the linking rules,which suggests that all the participants tended to use the typical tokens of the VACs as a cognitive anchor to establish their constructional representations.
作者 张晓鹏
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期65-73,161,共9页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"读后续写与打造高效的外语学习方法研究"(14CYY018)
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