
美国大学学士学位要求研究 被引量:1

Requirements for the Award of Bachelor's Degrees in American Universities
摘要 美国大学学士学位的基本要求包括最低总学分、主修、通识教育、最低本校学分、最低累积平均绩点和高阶课程学分等,其内容全面、合理,制定程序规范,实施过程严格,从而有效保证了学士学位的质量,奠定了毕业生事业成功的基础,促进了大学自身的可持续发展。当前,保证和提高教育质量是我国大学的主要任务,借鉴美国大学的经验,制定科学合理的学士学位要求并加以严格实施,是保证提高我国大学教育质量的最切实可行的路径。 The main requirements for the award of bachelor's degree at American universities include the minimum total credits, major, general education, the lowest residence credits, minimum cumulative grade point average, and up-division course credits. Based on the comprehensive and reasonable contents, standard procedures and strict implementation processes, the quality of graduates with bachelor's degree can be assured, the foundation of graduates' career success laid, and the sustainable development of the university itself promoted. At present, assurance and improvement of educational quality is the main mission of our university. The most feasible way of our universities to assure and improve the educational quality is to learn from America, to formulate scientific and reasonable requirements for bachelor's degree and to put them into practice.
作者 叶信治
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第3期27-35,49,共10页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金"十一五"规划2010年度教育学一般课题"美国公立研究型大学教育质量保障研究"(BIA100071)
关键词 美国大学 学士学位要求 高等教育 质量保证 American universities requirements for award of bachelor's degree higher education quality assurance
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