中国是一个多民族的国家 ,各民族在长期的生活、生产实践中形成了自己独特的科学技术文化。在对民族地区儿童进行科学技术素质教育和练习时 ,把儿童在其生活文化背景中所获得的科学技术知识的感性认识作为原认知结构 ,在此基础上再构建、发展新的知识结构 ,对民族地区儿童的科学素质的提高将具有重要意义 。
China is a country with multi-minority peoples. Every minority ethnic people have formed their own science-technology culture through their long-period activities of life and production. While teaching and practicing the science-technology quality to children in the ethnic regions, it is very important that we use the perceptual knowledge which children have got from the background of life and culture as the original cognition-knowledge structure.They build and develop a new structure on this base. This also has a directive sense in the current reform of curriculum and teaching in the ethnic regions.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University:Natural Sciences