
未来极端降水预估研究进展 被引量:3

Progress on Prediction of Future Extreme Precipitation
摘要 全球气候变暖各地极端气候事件频发,自然环境和人类生产生活受到重大影响,极端气候事件的变化发展及未来预估工作亟需开展,尤其是极端降水的变化与生活生产更是密切相关。该文在全球变暖大背景下基于未来各种排放情景,对极端降水的定义、预报方法以及演变趋势的研究成果进行归纳总结,以为后续研究提供参考。 With global warming and the development of extreme weather events,natural environment and human life have been significantly affected,changes of extreme events and future projections must be carry out,especially the changes in extreme precipitation,which is closely related to the life and production.With the future various emission scenarios presented in this paper is a summarization of definltion,prediction,and evolution of extreme precipitation,to provide references for subsequent research.
出处 《科技创新导报》 2015年第7期20-23,共4页 Science and Technology Innovation Herald
关键词 极端降水 预报 全球变暖 气候模型 极端化 Extreme Precipitation Prediction Global Warming Climate Models Extreme
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