生态系统健康研究是近年来生态学领域的新热点。健康的生态系统才能维持健康的人类群体及有利于社会经济的发展。然而 ,现今生态系统健康的理论还不完善。本文拟通过其概念的剖析及其与生态完整性、可持续发展概念的对比 ,明确生态系统健康的含义 ,为生态系统的评价提供概念以及方法论基础。
Ecosystem health is one of studying hotspots in the ecological field.Healthy ecosystem means health human population and beneficial promotion of social and economic development.However,the concept of ecosystem health is not perfect now.This paper discussed the historical origin and the present opinion on ecosystem health,and contrasts with ecological integrity and sustainable development.A primary goal is to provide the conceptual and methodological foundations for assessing the condition of the earth's ecosystems