

Trade Barriers for China's Isurance Industry in the Context of Shanghai Free Trade Zone
摘要 过高的保险贸易壁垒是对中国保险市场发展的一大阻碍。中国(上海)自由贸易试验区的成立,为适当的降低保险贸易壁垒提供了一个很好的平台。通过定性总结中国现有的保险贸易壁垒以及定量化分析显示,与国外相比,我国保险业发展落后。贸易壁垒的设置对我国保险业的发展产生极大地影响。我国在跨境交付、境外消费、商业存在、自然人流动四种保险服务贸易方式存在市场准入方面及国民待遇方面的限制。在自贸区范围内进一步放开保险经纪、寿险、非寿险的跨境交付业务,设立外资专业养老金公司试点,取消寿险公司的股权限制将有效地提高我国保险市场开放程度。 The high insurance trade barrier is a hindrance to the development of China's insurance market. The establishment of China (Shanghai) free trade pilot area has provided a good platform for lowering the barriers of insurance trades. It is found that, compared with foreign countries, China's insurance industry is lagging behind through a qualitative summary of China's existing insurance trade barriers and quantitative analysis. The trade barriers have greatly influenced the development of China's insurance industry. There are market ac-cess and national treatment limitations for four kinds of insurance services, cross-border supply, consumption abroad,commercial pres-ence,movement of personnel. In the scope of FTA, it will effectively improve the openness of China's insurance market to further open cross-border businesses of insurance brokers, life insurance and non-life insurance;set up trial of foreign professional pension companies;and cancel the life insurance company's ownership restrictions.
出处 《商业经济》 2015年第5期145-148,共4页 Business & Economy
基金 上海市教委2013年度上海大学生创新活动计划项目:建设经费资助
关键词 上海 自贸区 中国保险业贸易 壁垒研究 Shanghai FTA trade of China's insurance industry study of barrier
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