
不同C/N对活性炭颗粒填料厌氧同步消化反硝化的影响 被引量:2

Effect of C/N on Anaerobic Simultaneous Digestion and Denitrification Process Based on Activated Carbon Carrier
摘要 构建以粒径3~6 mm活性炭颗粒为填料的厌氧污水处理系统,厌氧消化菌和反硝化菌在活性炭颗粒表面附着成膜,考察不同C/N对厌氧同步消化反硝化的影响。以葡萄糖为有机碳源,进水中葡萄糖质量浓度分别为300 mg · L-1和400 mg · L-1时,较高 C/N 对 NO3-- N 去除有利,最高去除率为95.21%;较低C/N对COD和NH4+-N的去除有利,最高去除率分别达到96.00%和42.43%以上。研究表明,以活性炭颗粒为填料的厌氧高效处理废水技术是可行的,不同C/N对厌氧同步消化反硝化处理含氮和有机物废水具有较明显的影响。 An anaerobic wastewater treatment system was constructed based on granular activated carbon acted as carrier for anaerobic digestion bacteria and denitrifying bacteria adhesion, and the effect of C/N on anaerobic simultaneous digestion and denitrification process was studied. The concentration of glucose in the influent was respectively 300 mg/L and 400 mg/L, which acted as the only source of organic carbon. High C/N was better for NO3- -N removal and the maximum removal rate of NO3- -N was 94. 32% at a C/N ratio of 12. 87. However, low C/N was better for COD and NH4+ -N removal and the maximum removal rate of which was 96. 00%and 42. 43% at a C/N ratio of 9. 65, respectively. These facts indicated that the technique with granular activated carbon acted as carrier was better for anaerobic wastewater treatment, and dif-ferent C/N ratio obviously affected the removal of COD and nitrogenous pollutant.
出处 《大连民族学院学报》 CAS 2015年第3期211-214,共4页 Journal of Dalian Nationalities University
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(DC201501070301)
关键词 活性炭颗粒 碳氮比 厌氧消化 反硝化 granular activated carbon C/N anaerobic digestion denitrification
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