
盐涝互作对甜菜出苗率及幼苗的影响 被引量:2

Interactive Effects between Salinity and Waterlogging on Sugarbeet Seedling Emergence and Early Growth
摘要 研究了1和120 mmol/L NaCl以及水淹处理对两个甜菜品种(系)Y-86-5-1(以下简称Y-86)和Y-77-6-3(以下简称Y-77)出苗率及幼苗生物量、叶绿素含量以及离子含量的影响。结果表明,120mmol/L NaCl处理对Y-86的出苗率没有显著影响,却降低Y-77的出苗率。1和120 mmol/L NaCl盐度下水淹对Y-86的出苗没有显著影响,而120 mmol/L NaCl盐度下水淹处理明显降低Y-77的出苗率。盐分降低两个品种的地上和根系干重以及叶绿素含量,尤其是Y-77。盐分显著增加两个品种叶片Na^+含量,降低K^+含量,尤其是Y-77。1和120 mmol/L NaCl盐度下水淹降低Y-86和Y-77的地上和根干重,尤其是Y-77的根干重。水淹对Y-86叶片叶绿素含量没有显著影响,却明显降低Y-77的叶绿素含量。水淹对Y-86叶片Na^+含量无显著影响。1 mmol/L NaCl盐度下水淹对Y-77叶片Na^+含量无显著影响,而120mmol/L NaCl盐度下水淹增加Y-77叶片Na^+含量。水淹降低Y-86和Y-77叶片K^+含量。两个品种相比,Y-86比Y-77对盐涝互作具有更强的适应性。 Effects of salinity and waterlogging on seedling emergence, seedling biomass, leaf chlorophyll content and leaf ion content were studied with two sugarbeet cultivars Y-86-5-1 (presents as Y-86 in the paper) and Y- 77-6-3 (presents as Y-77 in the paper) . The results showed that 120 mmol/L NaCl had no significant effect on seedling emergence of Y-86, but decreased emergence of Y-77. Waterlogging had no significant effect on seedling emergence of Y-86 regardless of provided NaC1 concentration but markedly decreased the emergence of Y-77 at 120 mmol/L NaCl. Salinity reduced shoot and root dry weight and chlorophyll content in leaves of the two cultivars, especially in Y-77. Salinity significantly increased Na+ content and reduced K^+ content in leaves of two cuhivars, especially in Y-77. Waterlogging significantly decreased shoot and root dry weight of Y-86 and Y-77 at 1 and 120 mmol/L NaCl, especially for root dry weight in Y-77. Waterlogging had no significant effect on the content of leaf chlorophyll in Y-86, but markedly decreased that value in Y-77. Waterlogging had no significant effect on the leaf Na+ content of Y-86 regardless of NaCl concentration. For Y-77 Waterlogging had no significant effect on the leaf Na+ content at 1 mmol/L NaCl but markedly increased that value at 120 mmol/L NaCl. Waterlogging reduced leaf K^+ content in both Y-86 and Y-77. In conclusion, Y-86 is better adapted to salinity and waterlogging interaction compared to Y-77.
出处 《中国糖料》 2015年第4期11-14,17,共5页 Sugar Crops of China
关键词 甜菜 盐涝 出苗率 生物量 叶绿素 离子 sugarbeet interaction between salinity and waterlogging seedling emergence chlorophyll content ion content
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