
LNG船舶球形货舱风阻力的数值模拟 被引量:2

Numerical simulation of LNG carrier spherical tank's wind resistance
摘要 为获得LNG船舶更准确的风压分布和更多的风场细节,只对LNG船舶的货舱风阻进行数值分析,忽略船体以及其他上层建筑部分.选用RNG k-ε湍流模型和大涡模拟方法对均匀风场中的LNG船舶球形货舱绕流进行数值模拟.为验证数值方法和网格划分的合理性,对均匀风场中的半球体绕流进行数值模拟,计算结果与风洞试验的数据吻合很好.对LNG船舶球形货舱的绕流场和风压分布分析发现,大涡模拟方法对漩涡流动的模拟有较好的效果. In order to obtain more accurate wind pressure dis- tribution and more details of the wind field, only the wind re- sistance on the tank of LNG carrier was analyzed, other super- structures and ship hull were simulation was performed for not included in this study. A air flow around the spherical tank of LNG carrier in uniform wing field by using the RNG k -e turbulence model and large eddy simulation method. For testing the validity of the numerical analysis method and mesh generation, a simulation of air flow around single hemisphere was carried out, and the result was in good agreement with test in the wind tunnel. Then flow field and wind pressure distribution were discussed. Results show that the large eddy simulation appears to have advantage in study of unsteady turbulent flow.
出处 《大连海事大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期35-40,共6页 Journal of Dalian Maritime University
基金 交通运输部交通应用基础研究项目(2012-329-225-090)
关键词 LNG船舶 球形货舱 风阻力 数值模拟 RNG k-ε湍流模型 大涡模拟 LNG carrier spherical cargo wind resistance numerical simulation RNG κ-ε turbulencemodel large eddy simulation
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