Bachu uplift is one of the important oil and gas explora- tion regions of Tarim basin, under the action of caledonian, hercyn- ian, indosinian-Yanshan and Himalayan period and a variety of tec- tonic stress, Bachu uplift become a complex tectonic style. After years of exploration and research has shown that the oil and gas gathering and distribution is directly related to the faults. The frac- ture of Bachu area mainly can be divided into three primary frac- tures. The first fracture is Serikbuya fault zone, the secondary frac- ture is Contador Kumu fault zone, the third fracture is Haimidong fault zone. On the basis of fracture classification the paper summa- rize the fracture type, combination, and come to the conclusion and recognize the flush type fracture on lateral combination Bachu uplift is the main fracture combination style, while in vertical Ba- chu fault zone has obvious double superposition tectonic style, or the main fracture combined with associated fracture formation of the "Y" glyph, the "reverse-Y" glyph structure style.
West-China Exploration Engineering