

The Influence of Homemade Chinese Herbal Medicine Compound on Growth Performance and Intestinal Micro-ecology of Diarrhea Piglets
摘要 为研究自制中药复方颗粒剂对断奶腹泻仔猪生长性能及肠道微生态的影响,选用人工感染大肠埃希菌引起腹泻的28日龄杜长大断奶仔猪54头,随机分为抗生素治疗组、中药复方颗粒剂治疗组和不用任何药物治疗的空白对照组,每组3个重复,每个重复6头猪。分别于用药后第14天测定腹泻频率,并每个重复随机抽取1头屠宰,无菌采集空肠、回肠和盲肠内容物,利用平板计数法测定各肠段大肠埃希菌、乳酸杆菌和双歧杆菌数量。并分别于试验前及治疗后2周及4周末对各组猪只进行称重,检测各组仔猪的生长性能。结果表明,中药复方颗粒剂治疗组的腹泻频率为12.85%,抗生素治疗组为14.70%,均显著低于空白对照组的21.01%(P<0.05);中药复方颗粒剂治疗组仔猪56日龄体重为17.14 kg,显著高于抗生素治疗组的16.15 kg和空白对照组的16.00 kg,抗生素治疗组(16.15 kg)与空白对照组(16.00 kg)差异不显著。中药复方颗粒剂治疗组肠道内容物中大肠埃希菌数量为6.44 CFU/g,与抗生素治疗组(6.29 CFU/g)差异不显著,极显著小于空白对照组(7.52 CFU/g);中药复方颗粒剂治疗组肠道内容物中乳酸杆菌的数量为8.53 CFU/g,极显著大于抗生素治疗组的7.25 CFU/g,显著大于空白对照组的8.09 CFU/g,抗生素治疗组肠道内容物中乳酸杆菌数量(7.25 CFU/g)显著小于空白对照组(8.09 CFU/g);中药复方颗粒剂治疗组的双歧杆菌数量为7.51 CFU/g,极显著大于抗生素治疗组中的6.57 CFU/g,显著大于空白对照组的7.28 CFU/g,抗生素治疗组双歧杆菌的数量(6.57 CFU/g)显著小于空白对照组(7.28 CFU/g)。试验结果说明,该中药复方颗粒剂能显著减少断奶仔猪的腹泻频率,有效提高仔猪生长性能,并能显著增加断奶仔猪肠道中乳酸杆菌和双歧杆菌的数量,降低大肠埃希菌的数量。 This research addresses the influence of homemade Chinese herbal medicine on intestinal micro- and Chinese herbal medicine respectively,while group Ⅲ was taken as the control group.14 days after the treatment,diarrhea frequency was measured and one weaned piglet was randomly selected from each group,then contents in jejunum,ileum and cecum were sampled and used to measure the amount of Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium by applying CFU.The weight and growth performance of all piglets were recorded in 2 and 4 weeks before and after treatment respectively.The diarrhea frequency in the group Ⅱ was 12.85%,and that in the group I was 14.70%.That all was significantly lower than in the group Ⅲ (P〈0.05)in which diarrhea frequency was 21.01%.The weight of 56-day old weaned piglets were recorded,and the results showed that the weight of weaned piglet in the group Ⅱ was 17.14 kg,whieh was significantly higher than its counterparts in the group Ⅰ and in the group Ⅲ (P〈0.05).There was no significant difference between the group Ⅰ and the group Ⅲ (P〉0.05).it reached 16.15 kg in the group Ⅰ and 16.00 kg in the group Ⅲ .The amount of Escherichia coli in the group Ⅱ was 6.44 CFU/g,which was significantly lower than in the group m (P〈0.01), there was no significant difference was found between group Ⅰ and group Ⅱ (P〉0.05).It was 6.29 CFU/g in the group Ⅰ and 7.52 CFU/g in the group Ⅲ .The amount of LactobaciUus in the group Ⅱ was 8.53 CFU/g,which was significantly higher than in the group Ⅰ (P〈0.01)and in the group Ⅲ(P〈0.05).It reached 7.25 CFU/g in the group Ⅰ and 8.09 CFU/g in the group Ⅲ .The amount of Bifidobacterium in the group Ⅱ was 7.51 CFU/g,which was significantly higher than in the group Ⅰ (P〈0.01) and in the group Ⅲ (P〈0.05).The amount of Bifidobacterium in the group Ⅰ was significantly lower than in the group Ⅲ (P〈0.05).It reached 6.57 CFU/g in the group Ⅰ and 7.28 CFU/g in the group Ⅲ .The Chinese herbal medicine decreases diarrhea rate and improves the growth performance of piglets effectively.In addition,it increases the amount of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium while decreases the amount of Escherichia coli in weaned piglets intestinal contents significantly.
出处 《养猪》 2015年第3期25-28,共4页 Swine Production
基金 山西省科技攻关项目(20110311032)
关键词 中药颗粒剂 断奶仔猪 大肠埃希菌 乳酸杆菌 双歧杆菌 腹泻 Chinese herbal weaned piglets Escherichia coli Lactobacillus Bifidobacterium diarrhea
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