采用PR2/6土壤剖面水分测定仪,在广东五华县莲塘岗崩岗布设了8个定位监测点,对崩岗土体剖面含水率进行了连续3年共计6次野外监测,据此统计分析崩岗土体含水率分布模式、变化规律及其影响因素。8个监测点3年的监测数据表明,崩岗土体剖面含水率自上而下地可分为3种变化模式:逐渐增加、均衡稳定和波动变化。各监测点各土层含水率变异系数自上而下逐渐减小,表明土体含水率上层变化明显,下层变化较小,含水率趋于稳定。各土层含水率变异系数自崩口向崩壁逐渐变小,反映出土体含水率在流域下部变化较大,流域上部变化较小。总体而言,土体上层含水率较低,200 mm深度土层以上比较干燥,含水率均低于20%。随着深度增加,含水率逐渐增大,200 mm深度以下土层含水率均在20%以上。各土层含水率由崩岗流域出口向崩岗内部逐渐升高,土体含水率空间分布受植被覆盖、土体特性和局部地形多种因素影响,表现出一定的空间分异规律,但随机变化也比较明显。7 d前期累积降雨量对崩岗土体含水率有显著影响,是研究崩岗土体含水率与崩岗失稳和坡面产流时需要重点考虑的因素。
In South China, a disintegrated hill caused by serious soil erosion is called Benggang. On 8 positioned points, a total of 6 times field monitoring for soil moisture in Liantanggang, a Benggang in Wuhua County, Guangdong, was implemented by PR2/6 soil moisture sensor during the 3 consecutive years during 2011-2013. The distributional patterns, variations and influencing factors of Benggang soil moisture were analyzed in this paper. The 3-years monitoring data of the 8 monitoring points showed that the vertical changes of the Benggang soil moisture could be divided into three modes: gradual augmentation, equilibrium and fluctuation. The coefficient of variation of soil moisture in each layer decreased from the top to the bottom of the Benggang, that indicated that the moisture in the upper layers of soil changed obviously and in the lower layers were stable. Horizontally, the coefficient in each layer became smaller from the gully mouth to the headwall, that reflected that the soil moisture changed greatly in the lower part and changed slightly in the upper part. Overall, the top soil moisture was low. The soil layers of 100 and 200 mm in depth were the driest with the moisture below 20%. As the depth of the soil increased, the moisture increased. In the depths of 300 mm, 400 mm and 600 mm, the soil moisture was greater than 20%. The soil moisture in each layer increased gradually from Benggang gully outlet to the inside. Spatial distribution of the soil moisture was influenced by vegetation covers, soil properties, and local landforms, showing the spatial distribution pattern with stochastic changes. 7-days antecedent cumulative rainfall had a significant influence on soil moisture, which was the major factor that should be considered in the studies of the relationship among soil moisture and Benggang instability as well as slope runoff on talus surface.
Tropical Geography
soil profile
spatial and temporal distribution