
应用于升压型DC-DC的新颖软启动电路的设计 被引量:1

Design of a Novel Soft-start Circuit Applied to Step-Up DC-DC
摘要 提出了一种新颖的软启动电路,实现了输出电压无过冲平滑启动。该电路有效抑制了DC-DC开关电源上电启动过程出现的浪涌电流和输出电压的过冲,同时该软启动电路克服了传统软启动电路无法带载启动的缺点。电路完全集成在芯片内部,避免了使用额外电容而占用过多面积。利用Cadence Spectre仿真平台对电路进行了仿真验证,仿真结果表明,在输入电压为2.4~4.2 V的同步升压DC-DC芯片中,负载在0~2.1 A范围内启动,均未出现电感电流和输出电压的过冲。 This paper proposes a novel soft-start circuit, which raises the output voltage from zero to regulated value smoothly. This circuit effectively suppresses the DC-DC switching power supply inrush current and output volt- age overshoot during startup. At the same time, the soft-start circuit overcomes the shortcoming that the traditional soft-start circuit can not start up with heavy load. This circuit is easy to integrate into the DC-DC regulator, because we do not use the external capacitor which takes too much area. The Cadence Spectre simulation platform is used for circuit simulation and verification. In the synchronous boost DC-DC chip with an input voltage of 2. 4 - 4.2 V, the load starts up within the range of 0 -2. 1 A, and neither inductor current nor output voltage overshoot appears.
作者 管要宾
出处 《电子科技》 2015年第6期170-172,175,共4页 Electronic Science and Technology
关键词 软启动 升压型DC/DC 过冲 带载启动 soft-start boost DC-DC overshoot start up with heavy load
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