

Research on improved algorithm of non-standard constrained constant modulus for blind multiuser detection
摘要 针对码分多址蜂窝移动通信中存在的多址干扰问题,以瑞利分布为变步长,构造了基于瑞利分布变步长的非标准约束恒模算法;与差分形式相结合,提出了基于瑞利分布变步长的非标准约束差分恒模算法(RDV-NSCDCMA);分析了此算法的性能并与非标准约束恒模算法(NSCCMA)进行了仿真比较。 In view of the problems about multiple access interference in CDMA (code division multiple access) cellular mobile communication, firstly we constructed a non-standard constrained constant modulus algorithm which is based on variable step of the Rayleigh distribution. Combined with the difference form, we put forward a non-standard constrained constant modulus algorithm of the difference form which is based on variable step of the Rayleigh distribution, called RDV-NSCDCMA. Compare with the simula- tions of the non-standard constrained constant modulus algorithm(NSCCMA) and RDV-NSCDCMA.
出处 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2015年第6期81-83,87,共4页 Application of Electronic Technique
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(11202106 61302188) 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20123228120005) 江苏省"信息与通信工程"优势学科建设项目 江苏省自然科学基金(BK20131005) 江苏省高校自然科学研究项目(13KJB170016)
关键词 瑞利分布 恒模算法 盲多用户检测 非标准约束 差分 Rayleigh distribution constant modulus algorithm blind multiuser detection non-standard constrained difference
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