Web数据库技术飞速发展和条码技术的日渐成熟,使二者的结合开发使用越来越受到企业的青睐。设计了一个基于B/S结构的条码标签打印系统,以方便企业内部网中生产部门的用户能在车间内打印出连续不重复序列号的条码标签,验证部门用户能通过内部网访问Web数据库验证标签内容是否正确。系统开发采用三层B/S结构模式、ASP.NET技术和SQL Server 2008数据库。系统界面友好、操作简单。
With the rapid development of Web database technology and barcode technology, enterprises are more and more prefer to use the combination of the two in their application development. A barcode label printing system based on B/S structure is designed in this paper, so that the users in production department can print out the barcode label, which has unique serial number on it, by the intranet, in the workshop, and the users in verification department can access the Web database through the intranet to validate the information on the label. The system adopts B/S three-tier model, and uses ASP.NET technology and SQL Server 2008 database, it has a friendly interface and is easy to operate.
Computer Era