目的 了解自2008年风疹疫苗使用以来重庆市风疹的流行病学特征。方法 采用Excel软件对2008~2013年重庆市风疹疫情相关数据进行描述流行病学分析。结果 2008~2010年,重庆市风疹报告发病率从18.97/10万下降至2.07/10万,2011~2012年出现反弹趋势;4~6月为发病高峰时间,6~14岁为发病主要人群;风疹疫苗接种率逐年上升,2012年后达到90%以上,但中小学生接种覆盖率低;5年共暴发风疹疫情100起,报告病例占总个案报告病例数的18.74%,暴发地点多为中小学(91%)。结论 中小学校学生为风疹主要发病对象;6~7岁再免有助于控制学龄儿童风疹暴发、流行;应逐步实施适龄儿童以外人群的风疹免疫预防。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of rubella since 2008, while the vaccine first used in Chongqing. Methods Descriptive epidemiological study was applied to analyze the cases on rubella from 2008 to 2013 ,and the Excel was used for data analysis. Results From 2008 to 2010,the rubella incidence rate reported in Chongqing decreased from 18.97 per 100 000 to 2.07 per 100 000,but it gave a rebounding trend in 2011 to 2012. The rubella cases mostly affected children of 6--14 years old and the epidemic peak was from April to June. Although, the vaccination rate of rubella increased year by year from 2008 to 2013 ,even in 2012 it reached up to 90% ,but the vaccination coverage was low in primary and middle schools. 100 epidemic out- breaks happened, 91% of which happened in primary and middle schools, accounting for 18.74% of all reported cases. Conclusion Students in primary and middle school were easily infected with rubella virus, the vaccination work should be strengthened for fur- ther control the rubella infection. Secondary immune of Rubella vaccine of 6 or 7 years old children will contribute to control the outbreak of rubella among school-age children,and the rubella vaccine should expand its immunization objects.
Chongqing medicine
epidemiological study characteristics