
记忆、复现、异化——《野草在歌唱》中玛丽·特纳的创伤研究 被引量:1

Memory,representation,alienation: studies on Mary Turner's Trauma
摘要 《野草在歌唱》中玛丽童年的创伤体验超出了玛丽正常的自我心理防御机制,撕裂、摧毁了玛丽完整地认知、表达生命体验的能力,打乱了其对正常生存语境的理解,使其失去正常的自我控制、与人相处和理解事情的能力。创伤记忆在其婚后生活中反复再现,被玛丽心理的抵御机制阻挡,使其与外界的联系建立失败,创伤无法克服。玛丽被无法愈合的创伤、难以名状的恐惧、乱梦萦绕的长夜所异化,折磨得不堪一击,在绝望中等待死亡,导致其悲剧的发生。 In The Grass is Singing, Mary's childhood trauma is unbearable for her psychological defense mechanism. The ability of fully recognizing and expressing life is torn and destroyed by the traumatic experience. Gradually she loses the ability of controlling herself, communicating with others, and understanding daily life. The traumatic memory is represented in her marriage again and again, and is resisted by her psychological defense mechanism. She cant build the connection with other people and fails to overcome the trauma. Ma- ry is alienated by the trauma which can not be healed, indescribable fear and long night's haunted dream. She is tortured to the verge of death, waiting for the death in despair and finally the tragedy happens.
作者 陈玲
出处 《新余学院学报》 2015年第3期65-67,共3页 Journal of Xinyu University
关键词 创伤 记忆 复现 异化 trauma memory representation alienation
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