
美国大学生学习成果增值测评概述 被引量:9

Value-added Assessment of American Collegiate Learning Outcomes
摘要 大学生学习成果具有多方面的涵义,从学生发展的角度,可以指掌握知识的层次,个体的心理发展等;从高等教育质量评价的角度,可以指学生在大学期间知识、能力和态度等方面所取得的成就;也可以侧重不同方向,分成其他类型。大学生在高校的增值是指大四学生比大一新生学习成果的增加值,同时要考虑入学时的成绩计算预期值,进行基准一致的纵向增值测算。学生参与理论解释了高等教育中影响学生学习结果的一些变量及其相互关系,丰富了增值评价理论的内涵。美国大学生学习成果增值测评体系健全,从顶层设计、理论研究到评价方式、实施运用,都取得了良好的实际效果,推动了美国高等教育的向前发展。 The concept of collegiate learning outcomes has a variety of meanings.It can refer to the level of knowledge acquisition and individual's psychological development from the perspective of students' cultivation.From the perspective of quality evaluation of higher education,it can also refer to the achievements in knowledge,ability,attitude,etc.during the period of university life.Moreover,it can also be divided into other types.The value added refers to the added value between a senior and a freshman on their learning outcomes.The scores in the entrance exam must be considered to calculate the expected value.American collegiate learning outcomes value-added assessment system is effective in that it provides many experiences in top-level design,theoretical research,evaluation methods and implementation,which has obtained a good actual effect,thus promoting the development of higher education in the United States.
作者 吴智泉
出处 《高教发展与评估》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期57-69,114-115,共13页 Higher Education Development and Evaluation
基金 全国教育科学规划2012年教育部青年课题"美国高等院校学生学业成就评价研究"(EIA120398)
关键词 学习成果 学生参与 学习评价 教学质量 教堂评估 learning outcomes student involvement learning evaluation teaching quality classroom assessment
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