
SAMP6小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞线粒体呼吸链复合体功能研究 被引量:2

Function of mitochondrial respiration chain complex in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells of SAMP6 mice
摘要 目的:研究自发性老年性骨质疏松模型SAMP6小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(BMMSCs)的衰老状态、分化功能及线粒体呼吸链复合体活性。方法:分离培养SAMP6及其对照品系SAMR1小鼠BMMSCs,分别以实时定量PCR(RT-PCR)、Western Blot及细胞染色的方法,检测衰老、分化相关指标,并分别检测线粒体呼吸链复合体活性及复合体相关基因的表达。结果:与对照品系SAMR1小鼠相比,SAMP6小鼠BMMSCs的衰老相关基因、蛋白水平及β-gal染色阳性率显著升高(P<0.05);成骨分化相关基因、蛋白水平及茜素红染色阳性率显著降低(P<0.05);线粒体呼吸链复合体Ⅰ和Ⅲ活性显著降低,且呼吸链复合体相关基因表达亦降低(P<0.05)。结论:SAMP6小鼠BMMSCs存在细胞衰老及成骨分化功能障碍,其线粒体呼吸链复合体功能显著下降。 AIM: To detect senescence condition,osteogenic differentiation ability and the activity of mitochondrial respiration chain complex of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells( BMMSCs) from senescence accelerated mouse strain prone 6( SAMP6). METHODS: BMMSCs of SAMP6 and its control strain SAMR1 mice were isolated and cultured. The cell senescence and osteogenic differentiation ability were detected by RT- PCR,Western Blot and cell staining respectively. The function of mitochondrial respiration complex was examined by activity assay and related gene expression assay. RESULTS: Compared with control strain SAMR1,BMMSCs of SAMP6 performed increase of cellular senescence related genes and protein level,increase of β-gal positive cell ratio( P〈0. 05),decline of osteogenic function( P〈0. 05),and low activity of respiration chain complex. CONCLUSION: BMMSCs from SAMP6 perform senescence and osteogenic differentiation dysfunction with significant decline of mitochondrial respiration chain complex.
出处 《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》 CAS 2015年第5期263-269,共7页 Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31301062)
关键词 SAMP6小鼠 骨髓间充质干细胞(BMMSCs) 线粒体呼吸链复合体 SAMP6 mice bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(BMMSCs) mitochondrial respiration chain
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