The Erlitou yazhang is a material representation of political order and research into yazhang in the XiaShang period has no doubt produced impressive results in the last half century. The focus has been principally on yazhang chronology and comparative typology, however, and this paper alms to turn the attention to the analysis of details on yazhang attributes, particularly on the projecting flanges. We believe that the identification of detailed characteristics is crucial to distinguishing yazhang systems and we hope that it will add a new perspective to the studies of yazhang. Our analysis of yazhang tmearthed in East Asia suggests that the Erlitou VM3:4 yaz.hang had significant influence in south China. Our evidence suggests that Erlitou had direct contact with Jinsha culture (Sichuan) in southwest China and relatively indirect interactions with Tai Wan culture (Hong Kong) and Hulinshan's Fubin culture (Guangdong) in southeast China.The replication of Erlitou yazhang in south China can be seen as a representation of political order spreading from a primary state to secondary states. Through analyses of Erlitou yazhang and other material evidence, it is possible to establish the political symbolisms used in the Xia dynasty, which is also significant for demonstrating the origin of states and political systems in wider East Asia. While the search for written evidence from the Xia period continues, archaeological remains and artifacts can provide scientific and crucial evidence to the substantiation of the Xia dynasty.
Journal of National Museum of China
Origin of states in East Asia
Erlitou yazhang
detailed characteristics of yazhang
dispersion from primary states to secondary states