

PCR-RFLP polymorphism research on part of fragment of CAST gene of Yak
摘要 钙蛋白酶抑制蛋白基因的产物参与肌肉生长过程中蛋白质的更新,在各肉畜中被认为显著影响肉的嫩度。本研究以牦牛钙蛋白酶抑制蛋白基因(CAST)内含子6(intron 6)为研究对象,采用RsaⅠ、ScaⅠ、Eco O109I(DraⅡ)、XmnⅠ共4种限制性内切酶对其进行限制性酶切多态性研究,结果表明,牦牛CAST基因第六内含子长度为1460bp,与普通牛和绵羊CAST基因该片段的同源性分别为99%和91.6%。酶切分析表明,RsaⅠ、ScaⅠ均在第469位置有一个酶切位点,Eco O109I(DraⅡ)在第387和1156位有两个酶切位点,这三种酶酶切均未发现多态性,XmnⅠ在该片段没有酶切位点,该结果与研究者对普通牛的研究不同,普通牛在该片段有XmnⅠ酶切位点并且有多态性。 The product of calcium pmtease protein gene involved in muscle growth protein in the process of updating, is considered to significantly affect the tenderness of meat. Introns 6 of Calpastatin gene(CAST) of yak as the research object in this study, using the Rsa I. Sea I .F.co 01091 (Dra II ).Xmn I a total of 4 kinds of restriction enzymes on polymorphism research ,the results showed that the length of intron 6 of yak CAST gene w~ 1460bp,the homology with cattle and sheep was 99% and 91.6%,respeetively.Enzyme digestion analysis showed that both of Rsa I and Sea I have one enzyme loci in the 469th position, Eco O109I have two enzyme loci in the 387th and the 1156th, There were no polymorphism been found by these three enzymes, Xmn I have no enzyme loci in this segment, the result was different from researchers for ordinary cattle which have Xmn I enzyme loci and polymorphism.
作者 金鑫燕
出处 《青海畜牧兽医杂志》 2015年第3期1-3,共3页 Chinese Qinghai Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
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