
原生态身体文化的田野调查 被引量:17

Field investigation of primitive ecological body culture
摘要 源于西方文明的体育运动风靡全球,已是基本事实。借助西方体育的模式把民族传统体育活动单纯改造为运动项目的尝试,很难成功。东方体育工作者应该另辟蹊径、扬长避短,运用科学方法深入挖掘与改进传统的养生保健文化,发掘西方体育成熟之前在东方已存续千年的独特资源,借助东方各民族携手崛起的后发优势,构建原生态体育发展之路。中国的体育人类学调查原生态体育活动的田野工作法,是为了以建设科学的民族体育志为基础,激发活动群体自身的文化自觉,促进"东方养生保健体育样式"的社会组织制度创新,使东方文明中传统的身体运动文化成为未来体育的新鲜血液,甚至在运动休闲时代自成体系,与西方体育交融互补。 It has been a basic fact that sports originated from western civilization are popular all over the world. The attempt to simply remodel a traditional national sports activity into a sports event with the help of a western sports mode is very difficult to succeed. Oriental sports workers should find another way to exert advantages and overcome disadvantages, mine and improve traditional heath care culture in an in-depth way by applying scientific methods, dig out unique resources which had existed for thousand years long before western sports matured, and establish a way to ecological sports development by utilizing the lately developed advantage of oriental nations rising altogether. The field working method used by sports anthropology in China to explore/investigate primitive ecological sports activities is to, based on constructing scientific national sports, inspire the cultural awareness of activity groups themselves, pro-mote the social, organizational and institutional innovation of“oriental health care sports style”, so that traditional body movement culture in oriental civilization becomes fresh blood for future sports, even builds a system of its own in the sports leisure era, becomes mutually complementary together with western sports.
作者 胡小明
出处 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期1-10,共10页 Journal of Physical Education
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"体育人类学理论与方法研究"(10ATY001)
关键词 体育人类学 田野调查 民族体育 原生态身体文化 sports anthropology field investigation national sports primitive ecological body culture
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